Alumni Story: Muhammad Arif Bin Mohd Hodori
MSc in Islamic Finance
Vice President at United Overseas Bank
(UOB) Credit Analyst for the Corporate Banking department.
Before joining INCEIF, I had difficulties finding a job. I knew I had to do a turnaround when I was admitted to INCEIF. I wasted no opportunities and make the most of my time in INCEIF – apart from studying, I was running the SRC team with my great team, I helped lecturers by being their RAS, and tried to connect with as many people as I could. Through hard work and support, I graduat- ed with a result I never knew I could get, and landed my dream job (then), i.e. joining a Management Associate Programme in the banking sector. As cliche as it may sound, I guess the moral of the story is to never give up and make the most out of everything that you have.

Alumni Story: Irfan Afifah Mohd Zaki
MSc in Islamic Finance
Assistant Manager at the Surveillance Analytics Unit Market Surveillance Department of Securities Commission Malaysia (SC)
I am very grateful that I graduated from INCEIF, which is known as one of the best Islamic Finance universities in the world and also obtained the opportunity to meet with so many incredible people that I can learn from them on a variety of aspects.

Alumni Story: Imad El Fadili
MSc in Islamic Finance
CEO @ National Zakat Foundation in the Netherlands
The programme at INCEIF was powerful due to the diversity of people worldwide. The learning in the classes was one thing, but the engagement outside the classes was superb. Sometimes I think that we, as students, should adopt this phenomenal trait of Imam Bukhari when search- ing for knowledge. He travelled more than 100 km to collect just one (1!) Hadith. Practically, that would mean that you shouldn’t be shy and hungry and search for engagements, a cup of coffee, lunches and dinners with people you can learn from.

Alumni Story: Dr Farrukh Habib
PhD in Islamic Finance (by Coursework and Dissertation)
Co-founder and Director Alif Technologies in Dubai, and Shariah Experts in London
The pragmatic and market-oriented approach of the PhD program at INCEIF immensely impacted my approach to applying my abilities to solve real-world problems without losing theoretical and academic robustness. During my PhD at INCEIF and my career at ISRA, I gained invaluable experience that helped me implement quality standards while working at the forefront of Islamic fintech.

Alumni Story: Syed Adam Alhabshi
PhD in Islamic Finance (by Coursework and Dissertation)
Partner at Raja, Darryl & Loh (Heading the Islamic Finance Practice)
INCEIF courses gave me the fundamentals and overview of finance issues. For example, in structuring a product, I am able to see the Shariah aspects and the business aspects of a product. Understanding the products from the bank’s perspective allows me to apply the more appropriate legal principles. The end result is a comprehensive product that is not only Shariah and legal compliant but makes business sense!

Alumni Story: Saad Bakkali
PhD in Islamic Finance (by Coursework and Dissertation)
Higher Shari’ah Authority Secretariat @ Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates
Being a Shari’ah student, INCEIF provided me with technical and critical aspects of Islamic finance that are necessary for a Shari’ah advisor. The Islamic economic discussion help me not to be trapped in applications and micro issues that can cloud judgment and forgo strategic aspects of Islamic Finance. One of the main beneficial aspects that I hope INCEIF continue to provide its students and enhance further are the opportuni- ties to work as a research assistant at INCEIF & the opportunity to delve into the industry through internships and research grants projects.

Alumni Story: Ruslena Ramli
Masters in Islamic Finance Practice (MIFP).
Director, Islamic Digital Economy (IDE) Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC)
Substance over form is crucial to becoming a successful speaker or advocator. For a newcom- er, the Shariah concepts and structures can be daunting. Hence, having a solid foundation in Islamic Finance has helped me to articulate and break down Shariah contracts, processes and how the structures are deployed in the real world into easy-to-understand language. This has helped to gain market traction for agnostic industry players to consider adopting ethical solutions (i.e. Shariah-based products and services) as part of their business offerings.

Alumni Story: Dr Hazik Mohamed
PhD in Islamic Finance (by Coursework and Dissertation).
Managing Director of Stellar Consulting Group.
During my time, we had renowned professors who were thought leaders in their field. This level of rigour resulted in high standards, which we needed to emulate. I am grateful for the nurturing professors who taught the peers who challenged the status quo and me. It took some time to establish myself in a new field, but things soon fell into place, and I found my niche which I am a pioneer.

Alumni Story: Azura Othman
PhD in Islamic Finance (by Coursework and Dissertation)
CEO of the Chartered Institute of Islamic Finance Professionals (CIIF) IMB IslamIndependent Board Member of Cic Bank Berhad, Malaysian Debt Ventures Berhad, and Board of Trustee of Yayasan Petronas.
I wanted to understand more profoundly the value proposition of IF and its contribution to the stability and sustainability of the economy. The best course I attended in INCEIF was Quran, and the Economy by Prof Abbas Mirakhor, which consolidated all the knowledge learnt into the Islamic perspective and impacted my view of IF. It is not only the knowledge but also the connection and network created with professors and fellow students from various countries that have been most valuable. It helped provide a global perspective on IF and served as a support system in my current work, promoting IF professional qualification.

Alumni Story: Zuhursho Rahmatulloev
Chartered Islamic Finance Professional (CIFP)
Co-founder of Alif Bank (Tajikistan, UAE and Pakistan.)
I wanted to understand more profoundly the value proposition of IF and its contribution to the stability and sustainability of the economy. The best course I attended in INCEIF was Quran, and the Economy by Prof Abbas Mirakhor, which consolidated all the knowledge learnt into the Islamic perspective and impacted my view of IF. It is not only the knowledge but also the connection and network created with professors and fellow students from various countries that have been most valuable. It helped provide a global perspective on IF and served as a support system in my current work, promoting IF professional qualification.