Mezbah Uddin Ahmed

Country of Origin

Qualification Islamic Finance, INCEIF University (2017)

Phone Number
+603 7651 4223
A Brief Introduction
Mezbah Uddin Ahmed is a researcher at the International Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA)—the Research Management Centre of INCEIF University, Malaysia—an entity established by Bank Negara Malaysia (Central Bank of Malaysia). He also serves ISRA International Consulting in providing various Islamic finance consultancy and advisory services.
As a researcher at ISRA, Mezbah contributed to the textbooks published by ISRA, including the 2nd and 3rd editions of the Islamic Financial System: Principles & Operations and the 2nd edition of the Islamic Capital Markets: Principles & Practices. These books are widely read by academicians, industry players, regulators, and lawyers in Malaysia and other countries. Other publications of Mezbah include ISRA Research Papers, industry reports, book chapters, research papers in refereed journals, and articles in newspapers and magazines.
As a researcher at ISRA and consultant at ISRA Consulting, Mezbah contributed to Islamic finance projects serving Bank Negara Malaysia, National Bank of Tajikistan (Central Bank of Tajikistan), Da Afghanistan Bank (Central Bank of Afghanistan), Bank of Algeria (Central Bank of Algeria), UNHCR, several banks, takaful, and financial institutions in Malaysia, and others in Bangladesh, Brunei, and the UK.
Mezbah is an Expert Member of the Shari’ah Advisory Council of Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC), Technical Committee Member of Bangladesh Government Investment Sukuk, and advisor of corporate Sukuk issued in Bangladesh. He is also a Research Adviser of Central Shari’ah Board for Islamic Banks of Bangladesh (CSBIB). Mezbah regularly advises different entities in Bangladesh on Islamic finance matters including policy development, product structuring, document review, training, so on. Mezbah is a recipient of the “BAFF Award 2023” (awarded by Bangladeshi AAOIFI Fellows Forum—BAFF) for showing leadership and dedication in promoting the best practices of Islamic banking and finance in Bangladesh.
Mezbah also serves the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI), Bahrain at different capacities including curriculum and exam reviewer, working committee member and consultant. He has also been recognized as a Master Trainer by AAOIFI. Many trainers of AAOIFI Shariah standards use the illustrated learning materials prepared by Mezbah, and this is one of the highly accessed resources on I-Fikr—the knowledge repository of ISRA.
Mezbah regularly provides training on various areas of Islamic finance, particularly on Shari’ah, accounting, auditing, governance, Sukuk, and Islamic finance practices. He has provided training at different entities and presented research papers at conferences in Bangladesh, Bahrain, Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Oman, Türkiye, and the UAE. The previous experience of Mezbah includes working in Audit and Assurance at a PwC network firm in Bangladesh. Mezbah is the first Bangladeshi to obtain AAOIFI’s CIPA qualification and the first Bangladeshi to obtain both CIPA and CSAA qualifications. He has obtained Membership and Fellowship of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), UK. He did MSc in Islamic Banking and Finance (MIBF) from the Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance (IIiBF) of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), and a BSc in Applied Accounting from Oxford Brookes University, UK.
Articles in Scopus Indexed Journals:
- 1. Alam, M.K., Ahmad, A.U.F., Ahmed, M.U. and Uddin, M.S. (2023), Shariah audit of Islamic Banks in Bangladesh: the present practice and the way forward, Journal of Applied Accounting Research.
- 2. Abojeib, M. & Ahmed, M.U., 2018. Financial Reporting of Cryptocurrency. Journal OPCION, 34(16), pp. 620–637.
- 3. Alhabshi, S. M., Agil, S.K.S. & Ahmed, M.U., 2018. Financial Reporting Dimensions of Intangibles in the Context of Islamic Finance. Al-Shajarah, Special Issue, pp. 375–396.
- 4. Mohamad, S., Ahmed, M.U. & Badri, M.B., 2017. Preference Shares: Analysis of Sharīʿah Issues. ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance, 9(2), pp. 185–189.
- 5. Alhabshi, S.M., Rashid, H.M.A., Agil, S.K.S. & Ahmed, M.U., 2017. Financial Reporting of Intangible Assets in Islamic Finance. ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance, 9(2), pp. 190–195.
- 6. Tarique, K.M., Ahmed, M.U., Hossain, D.M. & Momen, M.A., 2017. Maqasid al-Shariah in CSR Practices of the Islamic Banks: A Case Study of IBBL. Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance, 13(3), pp. 47–63.
- 7. Ahmed, M.U., Sabirzyanov, R. & Rosman, R., 2016. A Critique on Accounting for Murabaha Contract: A Comparative Analysis of IFRS and AAOIFI Accounting Standards. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, 7(3), pp. 190–201.
Scopus Indexed Book Chapters:
- 1. Ahmed, M.U. & Kasri, N.S., 2021. Zakat Calculation Software for Corporate Entities. In: M. M. Billah, ed. Islamic FinTech: Realization and Applied Solutions. s.l.:Palgrave Mac Millan & Springer.
- 2. Ahmed, M.U. & Tarique, K.M., 2021. The Opportunities of Digital Wallets from an Islamic Perspective. In: M. M. Billah, ed. Islamic FinTech: Realization and Applied Solutions. s.l.:Palgrave Mac Millan & Springer.
- 3. Tarique, K.M. & Ahmed, M.U., 2021. The Direction of Future Research on i-FinTech. In: M. M. Billah, ed. Islamic FinTech: Realization and Applied Solutions. s.l.:Palgrave Mac Millan & Springer.
Articles in Refereed Journals:
- 1. Hossain, M.M., Khadem, M.A.R.K. & Ahmed, M.U. (2023). Application of Murabahah Mode of Financing by Islamic Banks of Bangladesh: Issues and Recommendations. Bank Parikrama.
- 2. Ahmed, M.U., 2020. Divergence Within IFRS Adoption: The Case of Depreciation Practices of Listed Banks in Bangladesh. The Indonesian Accounting Review, July–December, 10(2).
- 3. Alam, S., & Ahmed, M.U., 2020. A Critique of Zakat Practices in India. International Journal of Zakat and Islamic Philanthropy, 2(2), pp. 173–181.
- 4. Ahmed, M.U., 2020. External Shariah Audit of Islamic Financial Institutions: Global Experience and Possible Application in Bangladesh. Islami Ain O Bichar, July, 16(61), pp. 27–46.
5. Ahmed, M.U., 2018. Islamic Banking in Bangladesh: A Proposal for Improvement. Islami Ain O Bichar, January–March, 14(53), pp. 73–94. - 6. Mohamad, S., Ahmed, M.U. & Badri, M.B., 2017. Preference Shares from Shariah Perspective: Issue and Solutions. The Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research, 14(2), pp. 93–110.
Books/Book Chapters:
- 1. Ahmed, M.U. & Hossain, M.M., 2024. Sukuk Structuring, Issuance and Governance. Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management.
- 2. ISRA, 2023. Islamic Financial System: Principles & Operations (3rd Edition).
3. ISRA, 2023. Islamic Capital Market: Principles & Practices (2nd Edition). - 4. Ahmed, M.U., 2020. Financial Reporting of Assets by Takaful Operators. In: M. ‘. S. A. M. Shahar & S. T. P. Eu, eds. Accounting for Islamic Finance. Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Institute of Accountants, pp. 275–322.
- 5. Ahmed, M.U., 2020. Financial Reporting of Islamic Financial Institutions: Comparative Analysis of AAOIFI and IFRS. In: Handbook of Research on Theory and Practice of Global Islamic Finance. s.l.:IGI Global, pp. 854–873.
- 6. Ahmed, M.U. & Rosman, R., 2019. Issues in Reporting of Ijarah Financing in Financial Statements. In: Z.B.M. Sori, S.B.A. Wahab & M. Al-Homsi, eds. Contemporary Issues in Financial Reporting of Islamic Financial Institutions. Kelantan: UMK Press.
- 7. Mohamad, S., Ahmed, M., & Nasir, S. (2018). Murābaḥah Trade Finance Practice: Shariah Issues and Proposed Solution. In D. Supaat, A. Salleh, & Z. Musa, Contemporary and Emerging Issues in Shariah and Law (pp. 27–36). Negeri Sembilan: USIM Press.
- 8. ISRA, 2016. Islamic Financial System: Principles & Operations (2nd Edition).
ISRA Research Papers:
- 1. Ahmad, M., Ahmed, M.U. & Abojeib, M., 2021. Sharīʿah Analysis of Zakat on Ṣukūk.
- 2. Muhammad, M., Ahmed, M.U., Haron, M.N. & Zulkifli, A.R., 2020. Istijrār: An Alternative Solution to Murābaḥah-based Import Financing Facilities under Letter of Credit-i in Malaysia.
- 3. Abojeib, M., Lukman, B., Ahmed, M.U. & Ahmad, M., 2019. Zakat Calculation Methodologies of Islamic Financial Institutions in Malaysia: A Critical Review.
- 4. Alhabshi, S.M., Agil, S.K.S. & Ahmed, M.U., 2018. The Financial Reporting of Intangible Assets and its Implications in Islamic Financial Services Industry.
- 5. Ahmed, M.U., Hussain, L. & Ahmad, M., 2018. Actual Loss: Its Implications in Early Settlements and Defaults on Islamic Bank Financings.
- 6. Mohamad, S., Badri, M.B. & Ahmed, M.U., 2017. Preference Shares: An Analysis of Sharīʿah Issues.
Working Papers:
- 1. Ahmed, M.N., Alamgir, M., Hossain, M.M. & Ahmed, M.U. (2023). Risk Management in Shari’ah-Based Banking in Bangladesh, Research Workshop Paper, Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management.
- 2. Mustafa, M.S., Alamgir, M., Hossain, M.M., Rahman, T. & Ahmed, M.U. (2023). Islamic Banking Operations of Banks, Review Workshop Paper, Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management.
- 3. Mustafa, M.S., Alamgir, M., Hossain, M.M., Ahmed, M.U. & Sharif, M.A. (2022). Introducing Sukuk in Bangladesh: Key Issues, Research Workshop Paper, Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management.
Industry Reports:
- 1. AIBIM, 2023, Value-based Intermediation Report.
- 2. AIBIM, 2022. Value-based Intermediation Full Report.
- 3. UKIFC and ISRA, 2016. External Shari’ah Audit Report.
Articles in Magazines/Newspapers:
- 1. Ahmed, M.U. & Hossain, M.M. (2023). Sukuk Market Development in Bangladesh. IIFM Sukuk Report 2023.
- 2. Ahmed, M.U., 2020. Shall the Islamic Banking Institutions in Bangladesh be Allowed to Recognise “Compensation” or a Part of it as Income in their Statement of Profit or Loss?. I-FIKR Column. July 21.
- 3. Ahmed, M.U., 2019. Factors Preventing Adoption Of AAOIFI Financial Accounting Standards. I-FIKR Column, June 30.
- 4. Ahmed, M.U., 2019. Greater Awareness Efforts Needed for Islamic Finance. I-FIKR Column, July 23.
- 5. Ahmed, M.U., 2019. Reasons Preventing Adoption of Financial Accounting Standards (FAS) of the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI). I-FIKR Digest, July, pp. 11–13.
- 6. Ahmed, M.U., 2019. What is Next for Halal Economy. Islamic Finance News, 8 May, p. 26.
- 7. Ahmed, M.U. & Kasri, N. S., 2019. Digitalising Zakat Calculation: The Case for Corporate Entities. I-FIKR Digest, February.
- 8. Ahmed, M.U., 2018. Bangladesh lagging Islamic finance potential. Islamic Finance News, 10 October, pp. 27–28.
- 9. Ahmed, M.U., 2018. Bringing Diversity in Islamic Banking Model. Daily Sun, 7 October.
- 10. Ahmed, M.U., 2018. Harnessing Fintech in Management of Zakat. IFN Annual Guide 2019, December.
- 11. Ahmed, M.U., 2018. Islamic Banking: Strengthening Regulatory Surveillance and Diversifying Business Model. The Financial Express, 4 October.
- 12. Ahmed, M.U., 2017. External Shariah Audit in Islamic Banks. The Financial Express, 12 July.
- 13. Ahmed, M.U., 2017. External Shariah audit of Islamic Banks. Islamic Finance News, 12 April, p. 29.
- 14. Ahmed, M.U., 2017. External Shariah Audits of Islamic Banks. Path Bulletin, June, Issue 36.
- 15. Kasri, N. S. & Ahmed, M.U., 2017. Protection of Investment Account Holders in Islamic Banks in Malaysia: Legal and Accounting Analysis. Issue 9, pp. 30–33.
- 16. Ahmed, M.U., 2016. The Compounding Effect of Conventional Banks’ Interest Rates and the Emergence of Islamic Banking. ISRA Islamic Finance Space, June, Issue 5, pp. 5–8.
- 17. Rosman, R., Hamid, M. A., Amin, S. N. & Ahmed, M.U., 2016. Financial Reporting of Murabaha Contracts: IFRS or AAOIFI Accounting Standards?. Singapore, National University of Singapore.
- 18. Rosman, R. & Ahmed, M.U., 2015. In Numbers: Islamic Banking in Bangladesh. Islamic Finance News, 11 March, pp. 23–25.
- 19. Ahmed, M.U. & Rosman, R., 2015. Financial Reporting for Islamic Financial Institutions in Malaysia: Issues and Challenges. Islamic Finance Review, March, pp. 52–53.
- 20. Ahmed, M.U., 2015. Bangladesh: Islamic Banking Continues to Grow. Islamic Finance News, 8 April, p. 19.
- 21. Ahmed, M.U., 2015. Financial Reporting of Islamic Financial Institutions: The Rationale, the Present, and the Future. IFN Guide 2016, December, pp. 6–7.
- 22. Ahmed, M.U., 2015. IFRS for Islamic Finance: Development is Needed With no Delay. Islamic Finance News, 15 April, pp. 26–27.
- 23. Ahmed, M.U., 2015. Islamic Finance Deserves Wider Syllabus Coverage. PQ Magazine, September, p. 20.
- 24. Ahmed, M.U., 2015. Proposition for ACCA to Launch Islamic Finance Variant. Islamic Finance News, 15 July, pp. 20–21.
- 25. Ahmed, M.U., 2014. Riba, Bank Interest, and Islamic Banking: A Summarised Response to Fundamental Questions. NEWHORIZON, December, pp. 24–28.