Mr Mohd Adhari Belal Din

A Brief Introduction
Former BNM Assistant Governor Mohd Adhari Belal Din has also been appointed as an Adjunct Professor. Currently, he holds two significant positions in the field of human resources and banking. He serves as the Chairman of the HR Panel at the Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers, where he contributes to shaping HR practices and policies within the banking industry. He is also a Director of OMNIA Advisory. With an impressive career spanning 26 years, Mr Mohd Adhari has held various leadership and consulting roles in the realm of human capital management and organisational development.
During his tenure as Assistant Governor, he played a pivotal role in formulating and implementing human capital strategies and policies, to ensure a competent and engaged workforce within the central bank. He graduated with the Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from University of Michigan College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, US; which has provided him with a strong foundation of human capital management and organisational development.