Financing Product Structure

Development of Tawarruq-financing products

Development of Tawarruq-financing products
Workshop on Islamic capital market & sukuk for the financial sector in Bangladesh
Development of Islamic Income Fund under Wakalah bi al-Isthithmar
Development of Islamic pension fund (EPF-i)
Training on Islamic fund management – pension fund, Salih Fund, Kenya
Shariah Compliance Review on Product Operational Document and New Product Proposal
Shariah Audit Exercise
Shariah Compliance Review Exercise
Shariah Audit Exercise
Shariah Compliance Review Exercise
Shariah Compliance Review Exercise
Shariah Audit Exercise
Shariah Compliance Review Exercise
Shariah Audit Exercise
Shariah Compliance Review Exercise
Shariah Compliance Review Exercise
Development of Labuan Islamic Banking Window
Development of ar-Rahnu product using Tawarruq concept
Shariah Review on ar-Rahnu product
Development of Shariah concept of Kalafah bi al-ujrah for portfolio and wholesale guarantee
Design, Development and Implementation of a Shariah Compliant Guarantee Mechanism for Afghanistan Credit Guarantee Fund (ACGF)
Development of security token to be offered on Green-X Digital Asset Exchange (DAX) Labuan
Development of Islamic estate planning platform such as Faraidh (Islamic inheritance law) calculators, digital Wasiyyah (will) and hibah (gift)
Shariah Review on Ababil Islamic Core Banking Solution
Development of World’s Leading Shariah-Compliant ESG Digital Assets Exchange (DAX)
Islamic Finance Capacity Building for MDEC Fintech Booster – Legal and Compliance Pillar
Development of Shariah compliant Zapp e-wallet
Workshop on Islamic social finance and fintech
Development of commodity Murabahah platform, Shoraka al-Amin
Development of P2P platform
Development of Equity crowfunding (ECF) platform
Harnessing Society Risk Manager and Sharer through
Series of Tailor Made Takaful and Shariah Training for staffs
Development of Sakina Takaful product in French
Development of Sakina Takaful product in French
Module Development in Islamic Banking, Capital Market and Takaful
Module Development in Islamic Finance
Development of Comic Booklet on Takaful
Module Development for Risk Management & Islamic Wealth Management
Consultant Gap Analysis, Benchmarking and Curriculum Structuring & Designing for Certified Shariah Advisor & Auditor (CSAU) Program
Shariah Research on the Utilisation of Customers’ Pledged Items as Instrument to Raise Fund For Arrahnu YaPEIM
Shariah Research for The Issuance of Myr Sukuk Wakalah under the Myr Sukuk ICP/ IMTN Wakalah Programme
Applied Shariah Research in Islamic Finance
Shariah Research on the Cash Waqf Sukuk Structure for Awqaf New Zealand
Research on Shariah Compliant Micro Family Takaful Model for B40 Income Earner in Malaysia
Mini Social Research – Creating Sustainable Technopreneurs
Exploring the Opportunities for the Bank of China (Malaysia) Berhad in Islamic Finance Sector: A Malaysian Outlook Preliminary Report
Exploring the Opportunities for the Bank of China (Malaysia) Berhad in Islamic Finance Sector: A Malaysian Outlook Preliminary Report
Business of Islamic Bank Workshop
Islamic Banking and Finance Training for National Bank of Ethiopia
Industry Workshop on the Cash Waqf Sukuk Structure for Awqaf New Zealand
Shariah and Islamic Finance Training
Shariah and Islamic Finance Training
Shariah and Islamic Finance Training
Risk Management in Islamic Banks : A Shari’ah Perspective
Islamic Banking Program for the Staff of Corporate Sales and Liquidity Management of Treasury and Investment Department
Islamic Intercompany Financing Workshop
Islamic finance for housing sector in the Philippines
Islamic finance training for Board of Directors and Senior Management/p>
Delivering Training Programme on Chartered Islamic Finance Professional Programme
Islamic mircofinance programme
Applied Shariah in Islamic Finance (ASIF)
i-TARIF training for Shariah Committee and Shariah Division Officer
Shariah and Islamic Finance Training
Shariah and Islamic Values in Islamic Finance training for BOD and management team
Electronic Resources – Jamie’ Fiqh